
DBEDT E-Newsletter

DBEDT E-newsletter – July 2024

Posted on Jul 30, 2024 in Main

In this July issue of our newsletter, we share several updates that showcase our commitment to a sustainable Hawaii. This summer, we are hosting the Hawaii AI & Cloud Innovation Summit, launching free creative industries training through the Good Jobs Hawaii initiative, supporting critical infrastructure projects and streamlining regulatory processes to accelerate housing production, and guiding visitors to businesses that positively contribute to Hawaii’s environment, culture and the economy.

DBEDT E-Newsletter

DBEDT E-newsletter – June 2024

Posted on Jul 3, 2024 in Main

DBEDT is pleased to share the latest updates and accomplishments from the department. The summer has already been notable, marked by significant events and developments that continue to shape Hawai‘i’s economic landscape and cultural heritage.

DBEDT E-Newsletter

DBEDT E-newsletter – May 2024

Posted on May 31, 2024 in Main

In May, we celebrate Haaheo, Pride in Public Service Month, as proclaimed by Governor Josh Green, underscoring the invaluable contributions of our dedicated staff in supporting economic growth and diversity throughout our islands. This newsletter issue illustrates the important work of our public service employees in advancing Hawaii’s economy.

DBEDT E-Newsletter

DBEDT E-newsletter – April 2024

Posted on Apr 29, 2024 in Main

In this April issue of our newsletter, we share several pivotal developments that underscore our commitment to a progressive and sustainable Hawaii. Each of these stories is a building block in our shared vision for a thriving, equitable, and sustainable future for all Hawaii residents. We invite you to read on and explore the detailed updates and insights in this issue.

Research & Economic Analysis Division - e-Newsletter

READ E-Newsletter – Q2 2024

Posted on Apr 22, 2024 in Main

Welcome to the Q2 2024 newsletter from READ. In addition to READ’s ongoing reports on tourism and labor, we have also developed several special economic reports related to Hawaii’s film and creative industries, affordable housing, quality of life indicators, and more.