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- Proposed Subsidized Rent Program for Low-Income Waiahole Valley Residential Lot Lessees AnnouncedHawaii Housing Finance & Development Corp. — HHFDC today announced details of a proposed subsidized rent program for low-income residential lot lessees of Waiahole Valley.
- Economic Recovery Continues in Hawaii Despite Possible Economic Recession in the NationDBEDT released its second quarter 2023 Statistical and Economic Report today.
- April 2023 Arrivals Registered the Highest Recovery Rate Since the PandemicAccording to preliminary visitor statistics released by DBEDT, a total of 827,537 visitors arrived in the Hawaiian Islands in April 2023.
- Environmental Advisory Council Partners with U.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceOffice of Planning and Sustainable Development — The State of Hawaii has partnered with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to increase awareness about the USFWS’s Information for Planning and Consultation online tool.
- Hawaii’s April Unemployment Rate at 3.3 PercentDBEDT today announced that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for April was 3.3 percent, compared to 3.5 percent in March.