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State of Hawaii Dashboards
Analytical tools to help Hawaii make strategic decisions

Dashboards by Subject

Economic overview

Annual trends and performances of Hawaii economy based on GDP, personal income, CPI, and industry level job and earning data

Labor market

Monthly labor market performance by sector for overall state economy and by county, based on job and employment statistics from BLS and DBEDT

Housing market

Monthly median price and inventory of resale market, sale activities by residency of buyers for both resale and new sales, and trends of building permits

Energy sector

Summary of Hawaii’s energy sector based on monthly and annual data, including electricity, transportation, environment, and efficiency

Tourism market

Historic trends and monthly performance of Hawaii tourism market for the state and by island, and market specific performance and characteristic

Daily passenger counts

Data and graphical analysis of daily counts of passengers to Hawaii, available by destination island and departure country

Symphony dashboard

Collection of six tourism dashboard with market and lodging summary, visitation insights for visitors and residents, and visits to POI

Maui data update

Collection of Maui data updated weekly to help monitoring the progress in recovery of Maui economy from the Maui wildfire


Latest population estimates, long-term trends and characteristics of population and housing, and links to migration information sites


Trends, characteristics, and origin/destinations of migration in Hawaii based on population estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau and 5-year American Community Survey

Language use

Comprehensive statistics on languages other than English spoken at home by county and the profiles of non-English speakers

Agriculture sector

Summary of Hawaii agriculture sector based on the data from Census of Agriculture and annual farm activity data from BEA

Hawaii ranking

Graphic illustration of how Hawaii is doing compared to other states in major economic, social/demographic, and housing indicators

Area profiles

Interactive GIS maps presenting population and housing estimates, characteristics of population and households for legislative districts, counties, and census tracts, based on 5-year ACS

Hawaii’s generational economy

A generational framework elucidating and projecting the gaps between future needs and resources that arises as Hawaii’s populations ages

Genuine progress indicator

An indicator of economic welfare in Hawaii and an alternative way to capture social welfare benefits and costs not evident through GDP