Section Narrative  |
02.01 |
Births and Deaths: 1980 to 1997 |
02.02 |
Births and Deaths, by Military Status: 1993 to 1997 |
02.03 |
Live Births, Standard Fetal Deaths, and Elective Abortions: 1992 to 1997 |
02.04 |
Births and Deaths, by Residence: 1994 to 1997 |
02.05 |
Characteristics of Resident Births: 1995 to 1997 |
02.06 |
Children Ever Born Per 1,000 Women 15 to 44 Years Old, by Geographic Area: 1990 |
02.07 |
Resident Births, Mixed and Unmixed Race, by Military Status of Parents: 1997 |
02.08 |
Most Common First Names on Birth Certificates, by Sex: 1997 |
02.09 |
Most Common Surnames on Birth and Death Certificates: 1997 |
02.10 |
Expectation of Life at Birth for Both Sexes Combined,by Race: 1910 to 1990 |
02.11 |
Expectation of Life at Birth, by Sex, for the United States and Hawaii: 1910 to 1996 |
02.12 |
Average Lifetime, By Sex: 1959-61 to 1989-91 |
02.13 |
Selected Life Table Values: 1989-91 |
02.14 |
Characteristics of Resident Deaths: 1995 to 1997 |
02.15 |
Cause of Death, by Sex: 1997 |
02.16 |
Greatest Catastrophic Mortality of Record, by Type of Disaster: 1778 to 1999 |
02.17 |
Catastrophic Mortality: 1989 to 1999 |
02.18 |
Deaths Occurring in Hawaii, by Method of Disposition: 1970 to 1997 |
02.19 |
Persons on the State Blind Register, by Counties: 1994 and 1998 |
02.20 |
Selected Chronic Conditions: 1996 and 1997 |
02.21 |
Specified Communicable Diseases: 1993 to 1997 |
02.22 |
Health Risk Behaviors and Conditions for Persons 18 Years and Older: 1995 to 1998 |
02.23 |
Number and Bed Capacity of State-Approved Hospitals and Care Homes, by Type of Facility: 1993 to 1998 |
02.24 |
Occupancy Characteristics of State-Approved Acute and Long-Term Care Civilian Hospitals: 1992 to 1997 |
02.25 |
Number and Bed Capacity of State- Approved Civilian Hospitals and Care Homes, by Type of Facility, by Islands: December 1997 |
02.26 |
Occupancy Characteristics of State-Approved Acute and Long-Term Care Civilian Hospitals, by Islands: 1997 |
02.27 |
Adult Patients Served by State Mental Health Facilities: 1988 to 1998 |
02.28 |
Hawaii State Hospital Beds and Occupancy: 1994 to 1998 |
02.29 |
Waimano Training School and Hospital: 1994 to 1998 |
02.30 |
Hansen’s Disease Patients Registered: 1993 to 1997 |
02.31 |
Community Hospital Characteristics, for the United States and Hawaii: 1995 |
02.32 |
Physicians, Dentists, Nurses, and Pharmacists Licensed in Hawaii, by Place of Address: June 30, 1998 |
02.33 |
Personal Health Care Expenditures, by Type: 1993 |
02.34 |
Marriages and Divorces: 1980 to 1997 |
02.35 |
Marriage and Divorce Rates Based on Risk Population: 1910 to 1990 |
02.36 |
Characteristics of Marriages and Divorces: 1994 to 1997 |
02.37 |
Marriages Occurring in Hawaii, Resident and Nonresident, by Race Mixture and Type of Ceremony: 1997 |
02.38 |
Marital Dissolution: 1980 to 1997 |