Section Narrative  |
09.01 |
Federal, State, and County Tax Collections: 1980 to 1998 |
09.02 |
Federal Tax Collections, by Source: 1994 to 1998 |
09.03 |
State and County Tax Collections, by Source: 1986 to 1996 |
09.04 |
Estimated State and Local Taxes Paid by a Family of Four, for Honolulu and the Median and Average of 51 Major Cities: 1996 and 1997 |
09.05 |
Hawaii State Government Finances: 1997 |
09.06 |
State Government Revenues: 1995 and 1996 |
09.07 |
State Government Operating Expenditures, by Function: 1986 to 1996 |
09.08 |
County Government Operating Revenues, by Source: 1996 |
09.09 |
County Government Operating Expenditures, by Object: 1996 |
09.10 |
Number of Exemptions and Adjusted Gross Income Reported on Individual Federal Income Tax Returns: Tax Years 1980 to 1996 |
09.11 |
Adjusted Gross Income and Income Tax, by Size of Adjusted Gross Income, for Individual Federal Income Tax Returns: Tax Years 1995 and 1996 |
09.12 |
Characteristics of Individual Federal Income Tax Returns: Tax Year 1996 |
09.13 |
Internal Revenue Service Operations: 1994 to 1998 |
09.14 |
Resident Individual State Income Tax Returns: Tax Years 1982 to 1996 |
09.15 |
Sources of Income Reported by Resident Taxpayers: Tax Years 1995 and 1996 |
09.16 |
State Income Tax Resident Returns on Income Received During 1996, by Adjusted Gross Income Class |
09.17 |
Median Adjusted Gross Income of Resident State Income Tax Returns, by Type of Return, 1982 to 1996, and by Counties, 1995 and 1996 |
09.18 |
General Excise and Use Tax Base and Collections: 1997 and 1998 |
09.19 |
Tobacco Tax Base, Rate, and Collections: 1994 to 1998 |
09.20 |
Liquor Tax Collections: 1990 to 1998 |
09.21 |
Real Property Tax Valuations: Annually, 1986 to 1999 |
09.22 |
Real Property Tax Valuations for the State, 1996 to 1999, and by County, 1999 |
09.23 |
Real Property Tax Exemptions for the State, by Type: Tax Years 1998 and 1999 |
09.24 |
Real Property Tax Valuations, by Land Use Classes: Fiscal Year 1998 – 1999 |
09.25 |
Major Real Property Taxpayers, for the City and County of Honolulu: Fiscal Year 1995-1996 |
09.26 |
Major Real Property Taxpayers, for the City and County of Honolulu: Fiscal Year 1996-1997 |
09.27 |
Major Real Property Taxpayers, for the City and County of Honolulu: Fiscal Year 1997-1998 |
09.28 |
Major Real Property Taxpayers, for the City and County of Honolulu: Fiscal Year 1998-1999 |
09.29 |
Residential Property Tax Rates in Honolulu and the Median of 51 Major Cities: 1985 to 1997 |
09.30 |
Real Property Tax Rates, by Counties: 1999 |
09.31 |
Federal Expenditures in Hawaii: 1986 to 1998 |
09.32 |
Federal Expenditures in Hawaii, by Source, By Type: 1993 to 1998 |
09.33 |
Per Capita Direct Federal Expenditures in the United States and Hawaii, by Types: 1998 |
09.34 |
Direct Federal Expenditures or Obligations in Hawaii, by Counties: 1998 |
09.35 |
Public Bonded Debt of State and County Governments: 1985 to 1997 |
09.36 |
State General Obligation Bond Debt: 1990 to 1998 |
09.37 |
Government Workers, by Level of Government, Civil Service Status, and Membership in State Retirement System: 1940 to 1998 |
09.38 |
State and Local Government Employment and Payrolls, by Function: March 1997 |
09.39 |
State Government Employment and Payrolls, by Function, March 1997 |
09.40 |
Local Government Employment and Payrolls, By Function: March 1997 |
09.41 |
Full-Time Equivalent Civil Service and Exempt Employment, by Department, in the Hawaii State Executive Branch: 1994 to 1998 |
09.42 |
Employment, by Type, in the Hawaii State Executive Branch: as of December 31, 1998 |
09.43 |
Public Employees Included in Collective Bargaining Units: 1998 |
09.44 |
Salaries of Selected Government Officials: 1994 to 1999 |