Section 11 – Social Insurance and Human Services

Section Narrative Acrobat file
11.01 AFDC and AFDC-UP Cases, by Islands, Average Monthly: 1980 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.02 AFDC and AFDC-UP Recipients, by Islands, Average Monthly: 1980 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.03 AFDC and AFDC-UP Annual Expenditures, by Islands: 1980 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.04 General Assistance (Family) Cases, by Islands, Average Monthly: 1980 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.05 General Assistance (Family) Recipients, by Islands, Average Monthly: 1980 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.06 General Assistance (Family) Expenditures, by Islands, Average Monthly: 1980 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.07 Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Average Monthly, by Islands: 1998 and 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.08 Temporary Assistance to Other Needy Families, Average Monthly, by Islands: 1998 and 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.09 Average Monthly Cases Served by Food Stamp Program, by Islands: Annually, 1980 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.10 Average Monthly Number of Individuals Served by Food Stamp Program, by Islands: Annually, 1980 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.11 Annual Benefits of Food Stamp Program, by Islands: 1986 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.12 Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Beneficiaries in Current-Payment Status, by Age, Race, and Sex: 1997 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.13 Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Beneficiaries and Benefits in Current-Payment Status, by Type of Benefit: 1998 and 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.14 Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Beneficiaries in Current-Payment Status, by Counties: 1998 spreadsheet PDF
11.15 Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Benefits in Current-Payment Status, by Counties: 1998 spreadsheet PDF
11.16 Number and Percent Receiving Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Benefits: 1998 spreadsheet PDF
11.17 Social Security Beneficiaries and Benefits Paid: 1991 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.18 Medicare Beneficiaries Enrolled and Benefit Payments: 1996 and 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.19 Disability of Civilian Noninstitutionalized Persons, for the State and Oahu: 1990 spreadsheet PDF
11.20 Persons Served by State Homeless Programs: 1998 and 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.21 Characteristics of New Clients Entering the State Homeless Outreach Programs: 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.22 Characteristics of Persons Participating in the State Homeless Stipend Programs: 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.23 Hawaii State Employees’ Retirement System: 1992 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.24 Child Adoptions: 1989 to 1994 spreadsheet PDF
11.25 Foster Care: 1995 and 1996 spreadsheet PDF
11.26 Child welfare indicators: 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.27 Unemployment Insurance: 1987 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.28 Child Day Care Services with Payroll, by Federal Income Tax Status and Broad Geographic Area: 1992, 1997 and 1998 spreadsheet PDF
11.29 Licensed Child Care Centers, 1998, and Licensed Family Child Care Providers, 1998 spreadsheet PDF
11.30 United Way Revenues and Outlays, by Islands: 1997 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
11.31 Reporting Public Charities in Hawaii, by type: circa 1997 spreadsheet PDF
11.32 Quality of Life Index Rankings, for the State and Honolulu Metropolitan Statistical Area: 1993 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF