Section 13 -Income, Expenditures, and Wealth

Section Narrative Acrobat file
13.01 Direct Income from Major Export Industries: 1974 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
13.02 Gross State Product and Per Capita Gross State Product: 1985 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
13.03 Gross State (Domestic) Product, United States and Hawaii: 1977 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
13.04 Gross State (Domestic) Product, by Industry: 1977 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
13.05 Total and Per Capita Personal Income for the United States and Hawaii: 1958 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
13.06 Total and Per Capita Disposable Personal Income for the United States and Hawaii:  1958 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
13.07 Personal Income by Major Sources:  1994 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
13.08 Personal Income, Total and Per Capita by County:  1969 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
13.09 Economic Estimates and Projections:  1998 to 2025 spreadsheet PDF
13.10 Median Income of Households, Families, Unrelated Individuals, and Persons: 1949 to 1989 spreadsheet PDF
13.11 Median Income of Families in the United States and Hawaii: 1974 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
13.12 Median Money Income of Households, for the United States and Hawaii, 2-Year Moving Averages, in Constant 1999 Dollars: 1984 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
13.13 Median Money Income of Households, for the United States and Hawaii, 3-Year Moving Averages in Constant 1999 Dollars: 1984 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
13.14 Median Income of Households, Families, and Nonfamily Households, and Percent of Families and Persons Below Poverty Level, for Counties and Selected Urban Places: 1989 spreadsheet PDF
13.15 Estimated Median Household Income and Poverty Status for State 1995 and 1996 and by County: 1995 spreadsheet PDF
13.16 Income of Households and Families: 1993 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
13.17 Income Type and Per Capita Income in 1989, by Geographic Areas: 1990 spreadsheet PDF
13.18 Poverty Status of Persons: 1969, 1975, and 1979 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
13.19 Poverty Status in 1989, for the State and Oahu: 1990 spreadsheet PDF
13.20 Poverty Income Guidelines: 1993 to 2000 spreadsheet PDF
13.21 Average Annual Expenditures and Other Characteristics of Consumer Units, for Oahu: 1991-92 to 1997-98 spreadsheet PDF
13.22 Average Annual Expenditures and Other Characteristics of Consumer Units, for the Western United States (Including Honolulu): 1997-98 spreadsheet PDF
13.23 Top Wealthholders: 1962 to 1995 spreadsheet PDF
13.24 Top Wealthholders with Total Assets of $600,000 or More and Net Worth under $10,000,000, 1995: Total and Selected Assets, Debts, and Net worth, U.S. and Hawaii spreadsheet PDF
13.25 (Net) Worth of Richest Residents: 1994 to 2000 spreadsheet PDF