Section 17 – Energy and Science

Section Narrative Acrobat file
17.01 Consumption of Energy, by Source (Physical Units): 1960 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
17.02 Consumption of Energy, by Source (Trillion BTU): 1960 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
17.03 Consumption of Energy, by End-Use Sector: 1960 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
17.04 Primary Energy Consumption and Electricity Sales, Total and Per Capita: 1988 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
17.05 Primary Energy Consumption, by Source: 1985 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
17.06 Electricity Generation by Source: 1989 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
17.07 Electricity Production, by Source, by Islands: 1998 spreadsheet PDF
17.08 Expenditures for Fuels and Electricity, by Source: 1988 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
17.09 Electric Utilities: 1989 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.10 Electric Utilities, by Islands: 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.11 Gas Utilities: 1989 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.12 Gas Utilities, by Islands: 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.13 Service Provided by Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., on Oahu: 1989 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.14 Gas Utility Service by The Gas Company, Inc., for Oahu: 1989 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
17.15 Liquid Fuel Tax Base: 1989 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.16 Liquid Fuel Tax Base, by Counties: 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.17 Imports and Exports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products: 1997 spreadsheet PDF
17.18 Gasoline Service Stations (SIC 554) with Payroll, by Counties1987, 1992, and 1997 spreadsheet PDF
17.19 Boilers and Pressure Vessels, by Islands: December 31, 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.20 Energy Generated, Purchased, Sold, and Used by Sugar Plantations, by Islands: 1997 spreadsheet PDF
17.21 Estimated Employment and Revenue in High Technology and Support Industries in the State of Hawaii: 1998 spreadsheet PDF
17.22 Federal Obligations for Research and Development and R&D Plant in Hawaii: 1993 to 1998 spreadsheet PDF
17.23 Research and Non-Research Extramural Funding, for the University of Hawaii: 1991-92 to 1999-00 spreadsheet PDF
17.24 Research and Development Expenditures at Doctorate-Granting Institutions: 1993 to 1997 spreadsheet PDF
17.25 Patents Issued to Hawaii Residents: 1988 to 1999 spreadsheet PDF
17.26 Astronomy and Related Facilites at the Summits of Mauna Kea and Haleakala: 1999 spreadsheet PDF