Section Narrative  |
07.01 |
Passengers Arriving, by Point of Origin and Transit Status: 2005 to 2014 |
07.02 |
Passenger Status of Parties and Passengers Arriving in Hawaii, by Point of Origin: 2012 to 2014 |
07.03 |
Visitor Arrivals and Average Daily Visitor Census: 1966 to 2014 |
07.04 |
Overnight and Longer Visitors to Hawaii: 2013 and 2014 |
07.05 |
Visitor Days, by Point of Origin: 1993 to 2014 |
07.06 |
Average Daily Visitor Census, by County and Island: 2013 and 2014 |
07.07 |
Visitor Arrivals, Domestic and International, by Areas Visited: 2013 and 2014 |
07.08 |
Summary Characteristics of Overnight and Longer Visitors, by Point of Origin: 2013 and 2014 |
07.09 |
Domestic Visitors by State and Region: 2013 and 2014 |
07.10 |
Trip Characteristics of Visitors, by Point of Origin: 2013 and 2014 |
07.11 |
Activity Participation by Visitors from the U.S. Total, U.S. West, U.S. East, and Japan: 2013 |
07.12 |
Overall Rating by Lifestage and by Visitation Status by Visitors from the U.S. Total: 2013 |
07.13 |
Overall Rating by Lifestage and by Visitation Status by Visitors from the U.S. West: 2013 |
07.14 |
Overall Rating by Lifestage and by Visitation Status by Visitors from the U.S. East: 2013 |
07.15 |
Overall Rating by Lifestage and by Visitation Status by Visitors from Japan: 2013 |
07.16 |
Overall Island Experience by Visitors from the U.S. Total, U.S. West, U.S. East, and Japan: 2013 |
07.17 |
Sources of Information for Trip Planning by Visitors from the U.S. Total, U.S. West, U.S. East, and Japan: 2013 |
07.18 |
Internet Usage for Trip Planning by Visitors from the U.S. Total, U.S. West, U.S. East, and Japan: 2013 |
07.19 |
Safety Issues and Other Nuisances Encountered by Visitors from the U.S. Total, U.S. West, U.S. East, and Japan: 2012 and 2013 |
07.20 |
Visitor Profile and Trip Characteristics of Visitors from the U.S. Total, U.S. West, U.S. East, and Japan: 2013 |
07.21 |
Length of Stay of Visitors Staying Overnight or Longer, by Point of Origin: 2013 and 2014 |
07.22 |
Japanese Visitor Arrivals and Expenditures: 2009 to 2014 |
07.23 |
Average Expenditure per Visitor Day, by Origin of Visitors: 1960-61 to 2014 |
07.24 |
Average Expenditure per Visitor Day in Constant Dollars, for Visitors from the Mainland: 1960-61 to 2014 |
07.25 |
Expenditures per Visitor Day by Visitors from Selected Geographic Area, by Expenditure Type: 2013 and 2014 |
07.26 |
Total Visitor Expenditures by Expenditure Type: 2013 and 2014 |
07.27 |
Expenditures per Visitor Day by Visitors from U.S. West, U.S. East and Japan, by Visitor or Trip Characteristics: 2013 and 2014 |
07.28 |
Estimated Visitor Expenditures: 1961 to 2014 |
07.29 |
Visitor Expenditures, by Country of Residence: 1999 to 2014 |
07.30 |
Cruise Ship Arrival and Passenger Count: 2010 to 2014 |
07.31 |
Estimated Direct Visitor-Related Expenditures: 1997 to 2014 |
07.32 |
Economic Activity Generated by Visitor-Related Expenditures: 2002 to 2014 |
07.33 |
Waikiki’s Share of Tourism: 2014 |
07.34 |
Contribution to the State’s Economy by Statewide Visitor Industry and by Waikiki: 2014 |
07.35 |
Visitor Industry Prices, Price Deflator, and Price Indexes: 1990 to 2014 |
07.36 |
Returning Residents and Average Number Absent, by Point of Origin: 1993 to 2014 |
07.37 |
Travel Characteristics for Hawaii and the United States: 1977 and 1995 |
07.38 |
Person Trips to, from, and within Hawaii, by Census Divisions or States of Destination or Origin: 1995 |
07.39 |
Person Trips to, from, and within Hawaii, by Selected Traveler Characteristics: 1995 |
07.40 |
Passports Issued by the Honolulu Passport Agency: 2010 to 2014 |
07.41 |
Performing Arts, For Oahu: 2013-2014 Season |
07.42 |
Symphony Orchestra Activities: 1989-1990 to 2013-2014 |
07.43 |
Attendance at Museums and Other Cultural Attractions: 2012 to 2014 |
07.44 |
National Parks: 1992 to 2014 |
07.45 |
State Parks and Historic Sites: 1992 to 2014 |
07.46 |
Major State Parks: 2013 and 2014 |
07.47 |
National and State Historic Sites, by Island: 2010 to 2012 |
07.48 |
Zoos: 2009 to 2014 |
07.49 |
Aquatic Collections: 2014 |
07.50 |
County Parks, by Island: 2012 to 2014 |
07.51 |
Attendance and Water Safety at Guarded Beach Parks, for the City and County of Honolulu: 2013 |
07.52 |
Swimming and Surfing Sites, by Island |
07.53 |
County Tennis Facilities: 2001 to 2014 |
07.54 |
Golf Courses, by Number of Holes, Ownership, and Island: 2015 |
07.55 |
County Golf Courses and Camping Permits, for Oahu: 1991 to 2014 |
07.56 |
Sony Open Scores and Purses: 1992 to 2015 |
07.57 |
Public Hunting Areas and Wildlife Sanctuaries and Refuges, by Island: October 30, 2014 |
07.58 |
Fishing and Hunting Licenses Issued: 2008 to 2014 |
07.59 |
Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation of Persons 16 Years of Age and Older: 2011 |
07.60 |
Honolulu Marathon Registrants, Finishers and Winning Times: 1992 to 2014 |
07.61 |
Ironman Triathlon World Championship Participants, Finishers, and Winning Times: 1992 to 2014 |
07.62 |
Transpacific Yacht Club’s Honolulu Race Entries and Winning Times: 1985 to 2013 |
07.63 |
Total Attendance at Football Bowl Games: 2008-2009 to 2014-2015 Seasons |
07.64 |
Varsity Sports Summary for the University of Hawaii at Manoa: 2010-2011 to 2013-2014 |
07.65 |
Public High School Interscholastic Sports: 2007-2008 to 2013-2014 Seasons |
07.66 |
Professional Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts: 1993 to 2014 |
07.67 |
Dog Licenses Issued, by Island: 1993 to 2014 |