Section Narrative Acrobat file
12.01 Labor Force Status, by Sex: 2014 to 2019 spreadsheet PDF
12.02 Labor Force Characteristics, by County: 2016-2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.03 Selected Labor Force and Commuting Characteristics, by County: 2016-2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.04 Labor Force Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population 16 Years and Over: Annual Average, 2020 and 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.05 Civilian Labor Force, and Unemployment Rate, Total and Female, by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.06 Employment Status of the Civilian Labor Force: Annual Average, 1990 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.07 Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization for Hawaii and the United States Average: 2010 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.08 Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization for the 50 States and the United States Average: 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.09 Employment Status of the Civilian Labor Force, by County: Annual Average, 1990 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.10 Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Duration for the United States, the 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: 2021 4th Quarter spreadsheet PDF
12.11 Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed: Annual Average, 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.12 Wage and Salary Jobcount: Annual Average, 1990 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.13 Jobcount, by NAICS Industry: Annual Average, 2017 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.14 Employment by NAICS Industry: 2018 and 2019 spreadsheet PDF
12.15 Employment by the 25 Largest Private Employers: 2020 and 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.16 Jobcount by NAICS Industry, by County: Annual Average, 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.17 Occupation: 2017 to 2019 spreadsheet PDF
12.18 Civilian Jobs Projections, by Sector and by Type, by County: 2016 to 2045 spreadsheet PDF
12.19 Civilian Jobs Projections, by NAICS Industry: 2016 to 2045 spreadsheet PDF
12.20 Employment by Class of Worker: 1940 to 2019 spreadsheet PDF
12.21 Full- and Part-time Employment, by Type and by Status: 1969 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.22 Civilian Employment, Full- and Part-Time, Annual Average: 2017 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.23 Occupation of Employed Civilians, by Sex, Annual Average: 2020 and 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.24 Multiple Jobholders, Numbers and Percent of Employed for Hawaii and Percent of Employed for the United States: Annual Average, 1994 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.25 Workers 16 Years and Over, by Place of Residence and Place of Work: 2011-2015 spreadsheet PDF
12.26 Employment and Wages: 2011 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.27 Employment and Wages, by County: 2019 and 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.28 Employment and Wages, by NAICS Industry: 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.29 Average Annual Wage in Current and Constant Dollars: 1969 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.30 Average Annual Wage, in Current and Constant Dollars, by Selected Industry: 2010 and 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.31 Reporting Units and Employment, by Size of Firm: December 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.32 Annual Average Wages, Total and Private Industry for Hawaii and the United States: 1990 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.33 Workers, Earnings and Hours in Specified Industries: Annual Average, 2017 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.34 Average Hourly Pay Rates for Selected Job Classifications in Private Industry: 2005 to 2013 spreadsheet PDF
12.35 Average Hourly Pay Rates for Selected Job Classifications in Private Industry, by County: 2013 spreadsheet PDF
12.36 Employment and Wages of Hawaii’s 25 Largest Occupations: May 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.37 Employment and Wages of Urban Honolulu Metropolitan Statistical Area’s 25 Largest Occupations: May 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.38 Employment and Wages of Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina Metropolitan Statistical Area’s 25 Largest Occupations: May 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.39 Employment and Wages of Hawaii- Kauai Nonmetropolitan Statistical Area’s 25 Largest Occupations: May 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.40 Annual Compensation of Top 50 Paid Members of Public Board of Directors: 2015 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.41 Minimum Wage Chronology: 1942 to 2028 spreadsheet PDF
12.42 Minimum Wage, by State and for the District of Columbia: July 1, 2022 spreadsheet PDF
12.43 Federal Minimum Wage Workers, Annual Average: Total, 2003 to 2021, and by Sex, 2003 to 2013 spreadsheet PDF
12.44 Compensation of Leaders of Large Labor Unions: 2007 and 2008 spreadsheet PDF
12.45 Average and Total Weekly Hours at Work: 2000 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.46 Interstate Movement of Job-Seekers Participating in the Unemployment Insurance Program: 1993 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.47 Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, Private Industry: 2002 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.48 Fatal Occupational Injuries by Event or Exposure: 2013 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.49 Fatal Occupational Injuries for Hawaii and the United States: 1992 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.50 Work Injuries, Deaths, Time Lost and Compensation Costs: 1990 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.51 Union Affiliation of Employed Wage and Salary Workers for Hawaii and the United States: 2000 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.52 Labor Unions and Membership: 2019 and 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.53 State and County Employees in Collective Bargaining Units, by Employing Jurisdiction: 2004 to 2020 spreadsheet PDF
12.54 Collective Bargaining Agreements: 1964 to 2018 spreadsheet PDF
12.55 Work Stoppages: 1990 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF
12.56 Work Stoppages Involving 1,000 or More Workers: 1983 to 2021 spreadsheet PDF