This report presents the inter-county input-output (I-O) model for the State of Hawaii. The 2017 inter-county I-O model updates the 2012 inter-county I-O model by including the latest available county-level data on jobs, earnings, final demand, state taxes, components of value added, and outputs of a few industries. There is no structure change between the 2012 and the 2017 inter-county I-O model.
The inter-county I-O model presented in this report is an extension of the 2017 I-O model for the state, published by DBEDT in June 2021. The state I-O model provides detailed information on sales and purchases of goods and services among industries, final consumers (households, visitors, government, and exports) and factors of production in the entire state. In addition to county-specific information not contained in the state I-O model, the inter-county I-O model also shows the value of goods and services flowing among the various economic sectors within each county, and it also accounts for flows that occur among the various sectors between counties. This characteristic of detailing the flows between counties is what differentiates an inter-county model from a set of single-county models and the state model and provides a valuable analytical advantage over a state or single-county model.