State Agency Encourages Public Participation in Housing Survey for 2023 Hawaii Housing Planning Study

Posted on Jan 19, 2023 in News

Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation
For Immediate Release: January 19, 2023

HONOLULU—The Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) is urging Hawaii residents to respond to a major survey that is needed to assess issues relating to housing supply and demand throughout the state.

The survey is being conducted by SMS Research and Marketing, Inc. (SMS) as part of the 2023 Hawaii Housing Planning Study, and public participation is critical to accurately understand the needs of the state’s many localities and diverse populations.

“A request to participate in the survey may come by way of email or telephone,” said Tim Carson, president and CEO of SMS. Surveying is underway and expected to continue through May. Carson understands that those who are contacted may be concerned about a possible scam and stated, “At no time will anyone connected to the SMS housing survey ask for personally identifiable information.”

Denise Iseri-Matsubara, HHFDC executive director, said that tackling the state’s housing shortage is a top priority for Governor Josh Green, M.D. “The information gathered will be very valuable, so please respond if contacted,” she said.

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About the 2023 Hawaii Housing Planning Study
The 2023 Hawaii Housing Planning Study will identify current housing conditions; present demographic and economic characteristics of Hawaii’s households; measure housing needs and preferences; provide updated information on the overall housing inventory; and summarize rental housing data. Led by HHFDC, a consortium of state and county housing agencies is sponsoring the study, including the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands; the Hawaii Public Housing Authority; the Department of Human Services; the City and County of Honolulu Department of Community Services; the County of Hawaii Office of Housing and Community Development; the County of Kauai Housing Agency; and the County of Maui Department of Housing and Human Concerns.

About the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation
HHFDC is one of several State and county agencies tasked to facilitate the production of affordable rental and for-sale housing. Its mission is to increase and preserve the supply of affordable housing statewide by providing financing and development resources. Additional information is available at

About SMS Research and Marketing, Inc.
SMS is Hawaii’s most experienced and largest research firm, producing social science, public opinion, and marketing research for Hawaii clients since 1960. Its experience over 63 years includes the production of numerous housing surveys on behalf of the private sector in addition to state and county agencies. Additional information is available at

Gordon Y.K. Pang
Housing Information Officer
Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation
Office: 808-587-0597
Cell: 808-341-4069
677 Queen Street #300
Honolulu, HI 96813