
DBEDT today announced that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for July was 7.3 percent compared to 7.7 percent in June. Statewide, 598,850 were employed and 47,200 unemployed in July for a total seasonally adjusted labor force of 646,000.

DBEDT today released the 2020 edition of the “State of Hawaii Data Book.”

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, our reliance on internet connectivity to work remotely, engage in distance learning, utilize telehealth services, and access government services online becomes more in demand.

DBEDT and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations announced the release of a new website that consolidates programs for residents seeking remote work opportunities and employers looking to hire Hawaii residents for remote work.

DBEDT is pleased to announce three new projects that will focus on strengthening and growing Hawaii’s second largest economic driver – the defense sector.