Hawaii Technology Development Corp. — HTDC announced that it has awarded nearly $2 million in grants to 42 local technology and manufacturing companies for fiscal year 2020.
Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority — HGIA's Board of Directors has approved an emergency postponement of loan payments for GEMS Program direct loans and on-bill loans in an effort to lessen the financial impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on residents and businesses in Hawaii.
Update: March 18, 2020 — SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance is coordinating with the Hawaii Governor’s Office to certify the state for Economic Injury Disaster Loan Assistance.
DBEDT released its first quarter 2020 Statistical and Economic Report today. In the report, DBEDT lowered Hawaii’s economic growth forecast for 2020 to 0.5 percent from the 1.2 percent projected in the 4th quarter of 2019.
Hawaii State Energy Office — The State Senate has confirmed Scott J. Glenn to serve as Hawaii’s first chief energy officer. Glenn will lead the Hawaii State Energy Office in its mission to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation.