
Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority — An analysis of the economic impact of NELHA’s HOST Park at Keahole Point found that total economic impact of the park was $104 million in 2018.

DBEDT released a report today which analyzes the impact of international students on Hawaii’s economy.

DBEDT's Business Development & Support Division is supporting the intensive executive education of 70 Hawaii small business owners by partnering with Inner City Capital Connections.

Office of Planning/Office of Enterprise Technology Services — The State Office of Planning’s Hawaii Statewide Geographic Information System (GIS) Program received a Special Achievement in GIS award at the 2019 Esri User Conference, recently held in San Diego.

Designed for Certified Public Accountants (CPA), lawyers, bankers, real estate brokers, potential investors, and financial advisors, this seminar will address many questions that business owners and real estate developers considering Opportunity Fund investment opportunities in Hawaii may have.