March 5, 2025 General Meeting Agenda

Posted on Feb 26, 2025 in Main

AGENDA 03-05-2025 GENERAL.pdf

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
10:00 a.m.

In accordance with Section 92-3.7, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes, the Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority (“HCDA”) At-Large Board Meeting will be convened remotely via Zoom and in person at the physical meeting site set forth below. The public is welcome to register to participate and view the Board Meeting as follows:

Participate Remotely Via Zoom Webinar To participate remotely, please use the following link:

Participant Via Phone
Dial: (669) 900 – 6833
Webinar ID: 826 3005 2715
Passcode: 553394

Attend and View the Remote Board Meeting at the Following Physical Meeting Site:
Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority
American Brewery Building
547 Queen Street, 2nd Floor Board Room
Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96813



1.Regular Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2025


2. Consider Establishing, Pursuant to Section 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii   Revised Statutes, a Permitted Interaction Group for the Purpose of:

i. Conducting the Executive Director’s Annual Performance Review, and

ii. Establishing the Executive Director’s new 1- 3-, and 5-year goals and accordingly amend the Agency’s Strategic Plan adopted by the Authority at the June 5, 2024 General Authority Meeting.


3. Update by the HCDA Staff on Budget and Bills of Interest to the HCDA, including but not limited to, the following:

Bill No(s). Bill Title
H.B. 300 Relating to the State Budget
H.B. 1007 Relating to the Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority (Housekeeping Revisions to Findings and Purposes and Chapter 206E, Part X, Hawaii Revised Statutes)
S.B. 534 Relating to the Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority (Residential Use and Height Limit in the Makai Area)
H.B. 818 Relating to the Waiakea Community Development District (Creates a New District and Transfers Lands in the District to HCDA)
H.B. 742/ S.B. 489 Relating to Transit-Oriented Development (Requires the Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority to prepare Environmental Impact Statements for the Iwilei/Kapalama and University of Hawaiʻi West Oahu Transit-Oriented Development Infrastructure Improvement Districts on the island of Oahu)
S.B. 1103 Relating to Community Districts (Establishes a process by which the Legislature may establish community districts by concurrent resolution. Requires the board members of the community districts to be elected by residents of the community district)
S.B. 26/ H.B. 1451 Relating to Affordable Housing (establishes the Affordable Housing Land Inventory Task Force within the Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority to update the Affordable Rental Housing Report and Ten-Year Plan maps, tier tables, and inventories of state lands suitable and available for affordable housing development. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates moneys)
H.B. 1207 Relating to Capital Improvement Projects for the Benefit of the Twenty-Fifth Representative District (Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the twenty-fifth representative district)
G.M. 559 Governor’s Message Appointing Mikiʻala Lidstone as the Cultural Specialist
G.M. 640 (Revised) Governor’s Message Appointing Trey Gordner to the Kalaeloa board as the Resident Community Representative
S.B. 575/ H.B. 830 Relating to Historic Preservation Reviews (Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to contract its review of proposed state projects, projects on privately owned historic property, and projects affecting historic properties to third-party consultants if the Department is unable to complete its review within sixty days)
H.B. 738/ S.B. 1263 Relating to Historic Preservation (creates a process for expediting the review of residential transit-oriented development on certain parcels within county-designated transit-oriented development zones that have a low risk of affecting historically significant resources)
S.B. 161/ H.B. 761 Relating to County Permitting and Permitting (exempts state projects from county building permit, inspection, and certificate of occupancy requirements under certain conditions. Requires counties to accept the dedication of state projects exempt from the county permitting process)
S.B. 68 Relating to the Department of Housing (Establishes the Department of Housing. Places the Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority, Hawaiʻi Housing Finance and Development Corporation, Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, and Hawaiʻi Public Housing Authority within the Department of Housing for administrative purposes. Replaces the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism with the Director of Housing on the Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority)
H.B. 800 Relating to Government (Among other things, provides for the transfer of certain parcels in the Liliha Civic Center area and Iwilei Fire Station area from various state agencies to the City and County of Honolulu. Provides for the transfer of the parcel of land on which Alii Place is sited from the City and County of Honolulu to the State)
S.B 946/ H.B. 798 Relating to Wastewater Management (Clarifies the exemptions to the prohibition on discharging any wastewater or raw sewage into state waters after December 31, 2026, including an exemption for treatment plants having a treatment capacity of less than 10,000,000 gallons per day.)


4. Monthly Report and Other Status Reports

i. Monthly Financial Highlights for January 2025


In accordance with Section 92-3.7(c), Hawaii Revised Statutes, in the event that audiovisual communication cannot be maintained by all participating Board Members and quorum is lost, the meeting will be automatically recessed for up to thirty (30) minutes, during which time, an attempt to restore audiovisual communication will be made. If HCDA is able to reestablish audio communication only, the meeting will be reconvened and continue. To participate via audio communication, please refer to the “Participate Via Phone” information above.

If HCDA is unable to reconvene the meeting because neither audiovisual communication nor audio communication can be re-established within thirty (30) minutes, the meeting will be automatically terminated.

The Board meeting agenda and meeting materials provided to the Board Members for this meeting are available for inspection in the Board’s office and on the HCDA website at:


Oral Live Testimony

Persons who intend to present oral testimony are encouraged to sign up or notify the HCDA staff prior to the beginning of each meeting by submitting a request via email to: [email protected] or you may call the HCDA’s office at (808) 594-0300. The HCDA will receive testimony in the following order: persons who signed up prior to the meeting date, persons present in the physical location, and persons online in the Zoom meeting.

All testimony will be limited to a maximum of three minutes pursuant to Section 92-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and Article IV, Section 10 of HCDA’s Bylaws. Testimony must be related to an item on the agenda. For the record, all testifiers will be asked to identify themselves using their first and last name, pseudonym name, or other identifier if they wish to remain anonymous. When one minute is remaining, “one-minute remains” will be called out, and when 30 seconds is remaining, “30 seconds remain” will be called out. When time has elapsed, “time”, will be called out after which you will have 30 seconds to conclude your testimony. Your audio will then be turned off and the Chairperson will move on to the next testifier.

  • Oral live testimony may be provided via either of the following options:

In Person:

Upon arriving in person, please complete the speaker registration form at the sign-in table on the 2nd floor of the American Brewery Building, 547 Queen Street, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96813. When the Chairperson asks for public testimony, and your name, pseudonym, or anonymous identifier name is called, please approach the public testimony table, and proceed with your testimony.


Oral, live testimony may be provided remotely via the Zoom link provided at the top of this agenda. You will be asked to provide your name and an email address in the standard email format, e.g., ****@****.com.
Please use your full name, pseudonym name, or other anonymous identifier name; and if desired, affiliation, when joining via Zoom. When the Chairperson asks for public testimony, you may click the Raise Hand button found on your Zoom screen to indicate that you wish to testify about that specific agenda item. The Webinar Host will individually enable each testifier to unmute their microphone. When recognized by the Chairperson, please unmute your microphone before speaking and mute your microphone after you have finished speaking. The Authority may remove any person who willfully disrupts the meeting.


If you do not have a computer/internet access, you may provide oral, live testimony via the Participate by Phone option and attend this meeting with audio-only access by calling the phone number listed in the “Participate Via Phone” option located at the top of this meeting agenda.

Upon dialing the number, you will be prompted to enter the Meeting ID, which is also listed at the top of this agenda. After entering the Meeting ID, you will be asked to either enter your panelist number or wait to be admitted into the meeting. Please wait until you are admitted into the meeting, as no panelist numbers will be issued. You may also be asked to input the meeting passcode, which can be found at the top of this agenda on the first page.

When the Chairperson asks for public testimony, you may indicate that you want to testify by entering * followed by 9 on your phone’s keypad. A voice prompt will then let you know that the meeting host has been notified. When recognized by the Presiding Officer, please unmute yourself by entering * and then 6 on your phone’s keypad. A voice prompt will let you know that you are unmuted, and you may begin speaking. After you have finished speaking, please enter * and then 6 again to mute yourself.

Written Testimony
To ensure that the public as well as the HCDA Board Members receive testimony in a timely manner, written testimony is encouraged be submitted prior to the scheduled meeting date and time. Any written testimony submitted after such time cannot be guaranteed to be distributed in time for the meeting. Written testimony may be submitted by any one of the following methods:

Please note that written public testimony submitted to the HCDA will be treated as a public record and any contact information contained therein will be available for public inspection and copying.

The Authority may elect to convene in executive session pursuant to §§ 92-4 and 92‑5(a), Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes, if any exceptions set forth therein apply.

If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please contact Francine Murray, HCDA Community Outreach Officer, via phone at (808) 594-0300 or via email at: [email protected] as soon as possible.