Notice of Public Hearings

Note: This page lists agendas for Public Hearings, subject to HRS §91, but does not list Hawai’i Community Development Authority Board Meetings, subject to HRS §92.  Agendas for board meetings can be found here.

Currently, no public hearings are scheduled.


Submit Testimony

Oral Testimony
If you would like to provide oral testimony at a virtual meeting or public hearing you may signup to speak up to 24-hours before the scheduled meeting by emailing [email protected].  Please include your name, the agenda item you want to testify on, and if you support or oppose it.  Then join the meeting via zoom as described on the agenda or public hearing notice.  The chair will call your name at the designated time.

If you have not signed up to speak but would like to provide oral testimony, please join the meeting via zoom as described on the agenda or public hearing notice, and raise your Virtual Hand in Zoom.  At the designated time, testifiers will be called by the chair in the order that they signed up, or raised their hand, to speak.

Written Testimony
Complete and submit the form below.
