UIPA Request

To make a Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) request, please email: [email protected]

The Request (requirements)

  1. Must be in writing
  2. Have sufficient contact information for the agency to correspond with you
  3. Provide a reasonable description of the requested record
  4. State how you would like to receive the record (e.g. pick up copy, mail, e-mail, etc.)

You may use the State of Hawaii Office of Information Practices’ form to submit your request: Request to access a government record

The Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified), chapter 92F, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“UIPA”), is Hawaii’s public records law. The Office of Information Practices (“OIP”) was created by the Legislature in 1988 to administer the UIPA.

Contact information:
Email: [email protected]
Call: (808) 594-0300
Address: HCDA 547 Queen St., Honolulu, HI 96813