April 5, 2017 Kakaako Meeting Agenda

Posted on Mar 30, 2017 in Main

View .pdf of the agenda here: AGENDA 04-05-2017 KAKAAKO

Hawaii Community Development Authority

Regular Meeting

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

9:30 a.m.

547 Queen Street, 2nd Floor

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813






  1. Kakaako Regular Meeting of January 4, 2017
  2. Kakaako Regular Meeting of March 1, 2017



  1. Shall the Authority Authorize the Executive Director to Expend Up to $160,000 from the Hawaii Community Development Revolving Funds, to Retain a Consultant to Assist the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) in Complying with the State Department of Health National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems General Permit Requirements for the Kakaako Community Development District and Kewalo Basin Harbor Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems?


  1. Shall the Authority Authorize the Executive Director to Amend the Planned Development Agreement for 404 Piikoi, Phase IV to Allow Additional Time for Hale Kewalo, LP to Close All Financing Required for Development of Hale Kewalo Project?


  1. Shall the Authority Authorize the Executive Director to Negotiate and Enter Into an Agreement with the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) to Serve as the HCDA’s Designated Buyback Authority to Repurchase and Resell Rycroft Terrace Reserved Housing Units Sold During the Regulated Term, in Accordance with HHFDC’s Affordable Housing Program?


  1. Shall the Authority Authorize the Executive Director to Negotiate a Lease of Net Shed Building at Kewalo Basin and the surrounding 0.53 acres (approx.) of land, together with a right of entry for an additional 0.29 acres, identified by Tax Map Key Nos. (1) 2-1-058-135 (portion), 136 (portion) and 137 (portion) with KUPU.

Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 92-4 and 92-5(a), the Authority may elect to convene in executive session.



7. Information: Kakaako Makai Active Use Master Plan Task Force Update.

8. Monthly and Status reports on the following:




*Meals will be served to Authority Members and required staff as an integral part of the meeting.


Individuals who require an auxiliary aid or accommodation due to a disability are invited to contact Garett Kamemoto, HCDA’s ADA Compliance Coordinator, by phone at (808) 594-0300, e‑mail at [email protected], or by facsimile at (808) 587-0299 at least 5 working days prior to the date required.


This agenda and meeting materials are available on the HCDA website at, www.hcdaweb.org.  Hard copies can be reviewed at the HCDA, located at 547 Queen Street, 5th Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii.


The HCDA welcomes public testimony on HCDA Agenda items.  Written public testimony will be accepted through our website at www.hcdaweb.org up to 12:00 p.m. the day before date of the meeting.  Persons wishing to submit public testimony after the written testimony deadline are encouraged to appear in person at the meeting to present oral testimony, as the HCDA cannot guarantee that any written testimony submitted after the written testimony deadline will be incorporated into the record.  Persons who intend to present oral testimony on HCDA agenda items shall sign-up at the beginning of each meeting.  Please be advised that any written public testimony submitted to the HCDA will be treated as a public record, and any contact information contained therein may be available for public inspection and copying.


The HCDA is located at 547 Queen Street, Honolulu, Hawaii.  There are several public parking lots in the Kakaako area.  Metered street parking is also available on a first-come first-serve basis.