Affordable Rental Housing Inventory

Halewaiʻolu Senior Residences; Chinatown, Oʻahu (available for rent now!)

Affordable Housing Inventory List (statewide)

(Updated January 15, 2025)

This list represents an inventory of the State of Hawaiʻi’s affordable housing projects. The list includes affordable housing projects owned by private, non-profit or governmental entities, developed with funding or support from federal, state or county resources.

While periodic updates are made to ensure an accurate listing, the information contained on the list including the names and contact information for managing agents may not reflect the most current data.

For information on homeless services agencies and homeless shelters, please visit the Hawaiʻi Public Housing Authority’s website at

(Note: This list represents an inventory of government-assisted projects, including those that may not currently have vacant and available units. HHFDC is not able to track vacancies in real-time.)

Affordable Housing Inventory Locator Map (statewide)

(Updated January 15, 2025)

This interactive map shows the same information as the Affordable Housing Inventory List – and allows you to narrow down the search parameters to meet your own search criteria.

Use the Filter icon below the map to change the search parameters to isolate only the units you’d like to see including the island, the number of bedrooms, the Area Median Income levels served and whether the project requires you to earn no more than a certain area median income (AMI) level. The map also allows you to zoom in and out of a location.

If you want to learn more about a specific project, zoom in and click on that project’s marker to view more details such as the address, the property management company and contact information.

To view the map in a separate tab, click here