HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)
The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) is a federally-funded program created by the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. This program is intended to be a locally designed and administered program which: 1) expands the supply of decent, safe, affordable, and sanitary housing, with primary attention to low income rental housing; 2) strengthens the abilities of state and local governments to design and implement affordable housing strategies; and 3) provides both federal financing and technical assistance.
According to the HOME Program regulations, the State of Hawaii (the “State”) is the Participating Jurisdiction (PJ); the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) is the agency designated to administer the HOME Program for the State. The HOME Program requires that all HOME funds be utilized to assist households earning 50%, 60% or 80% or below of the area median income.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines by formula the amount of HOME funds that States and units of local governments are eligible to receive. Generally, the State receives approximately $3,000,000 in HOME funds annually. The State distributes its HOME funds in accordance with the State Consolidated Plan which provides information on the State’s housing needs, primarily in the counties of Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui, and a strategic plan to address those needs. The State has designated the counties of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui as HOME State Recipients to administer the State’s HOME funds to address their respective housing needs.
HOME funds can be used to expand and/or preserve the supply of safe, decent and affordable rental housing. This includes new construction or acquisition and/or rehabilitation of rental housing units affordable to very low- and low-income families. HOME funds also can be used for tenant-based rental assistance and new construction, acquisition and/or rehabilitation of housing for affordable homeownership.
The State’s HOME Program encourages any program or activity funded in whole or in part with HOME funds to avoid the displacement of individuals and families unless it is the only practical alternative. Should HOME funds be utilized for such an activity, the HHFDC as well as the State Recipients, will comply with Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and the Uniform Relocation Act.
The HOME program projects and activities are included in the HHFDC Consolidated and Annual Action Plans located here: https://dbedt.hawaii.gov/hhfdc/resources/reports/
For more information on the HOME program, please visit the HUD Exchange website: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/home/
Contacts: HOME funds are administered by the Counties’ housing agencies:
Hawaii – Royce Shiroma Telephone: (808) 961-8379
Kauai – Steve Franco Telephone: (808) 241-4419
Maui – Regina Gairo Telephone: (808) 270-5746