Hunt Parcel 10

Posted on Mar 21, 2024 in Main

Hunt Parcel 10 Improvements

Public Hearing Notice

Hearing Dates:

June 5, 2024 (Presentation Hearing) at 9:00 a.m.

Presentation Public Hearing Hunt Parcel 10 HCDA Staff Report
June 5, 2024 Presentation Hearing Recording

June 6, 2024 (Variance Hearing) at 9:00 a.m.

Variance Public Hearing Hunt Parcel 10 Staff Report
June 6, 2024 Variance Hearing Recording

July 3, 2024 (Decision-Making Hearing) at 9:00 a.m.

Place:  Public Hearings will be convened remotely via Zoom and in person. See Hearing Notice for details.

Description:  The Hunt Communities Hawaii LLC is proposing renovations to the interior and exterior of the existing Quonset hut warehouse building on Parcel 10. Interior renovations shall include upgrades and repairs to the aging structural, mechanical, and electrical systems including improvements to egress corridors and fire sprinkler alterations. Exterior work will include repainting, warehouse door replacements, and lighting repairs/replacements. Site work will include essential upgrades to the aging electrical infrastructure for connection to HECO lines and security improvements to secure the perimeter of Parcel 10. Improvements are to include the installation of new fencing to augment the site’s existing fencing. (Hunt Parcel 10 DP)(1235885.1)


Hunt’s Exhibit List
Hunt’s Witness List
EXHIBIT 1 – Permit Application and Exhibits
EXHIBIT 2 – Certification of HRS 206E-5-5 Notice (KAL 23-005)
EXHIBIT 3 – Kathleen Iriarte Direct Testimony (Presentation Hearing)
EXHIBIT 4 – Kathleen Iriarte Direct Testimony (Variance Hearing)
EXHIBIT 5 – Dean Agcaoili Direct Testimony (Presentation Hearing)
EXHIBIT 6 – Dean Agcaoili Direct Testimony (Variance Hearing)
EXHIBIT 7 – Dean Agcaoili Resume
EXHIBIT 8 – Polly Tice M.S. Direct Testimony (Presentation Hearing)
EXHIBIT 9 – Polly Tice M.S. Direct Testimony (Variance Hearing)
EXHIBIT 10 – Polly Tice M.S. Resume
EXHIBIT 11 – Christopher Monahan Ph.D. Direct Testimony (Presentation Hearing)
EXHIBIT 12 – Christopher Monahan PhD Resume
EXHIBIT 13 – Letter Dated June 2_ 2022 from MASON to SHPD
EXHIBIT 14 – Letter Dated May 15_ 2023 from MASON to SHPD
EXHIBIT 15 – Amended Mitigation Proposal (April 5_ 2024)
EXHIBIT 16 – Archaeological Literature Review Re Parcel 10
EXHIBIT 17 – Archaeological Monitoring Plan Re Parcel 10 _ App. A (April_ 2024)
EXHIBIT 18 – HECO Engineering Confirmations
EXHIBIT 19 – Letter Dated May 15_ 2024 from Neighborhood Board No. 34
EXHIBIT 20 – Hearing Slides


Testimony Received by June 4, 2024


Testimony deadline is at 9:00 a.m. 72-hours before the respective hearing.